dijous, 31 de març del 2011

firesheep en ubuntu

This morning I had a little bit of free time so I thought I’d (finally) check out the Firefox extension Firesheep. The main website mentions that it isn’t supported for Linux, but the source code is available and as it turns out very easy to compile. Below are instructions for downloading, compiling and installing the Firesheep security plugin for Firefox.
Get the Source
You’ll need to download the source code from github, which can be done using the following two commands:
git clone https://github.com/codebutler/firesheep.git
cd firesheep
git submodule update --init
These two commands will download the code required to compile Firesheep, putting the source into a new directory called “firesheep”.
Build Tools
To compile Firesheep on Ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 you’ll need the following development packages installed. Simply copy-paste the following list of packages into your terminal:
sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool libpcap-dev libboost-all-dev libhal-dev xulrunner-1.9.2-dev
On my machine this installed quite a few packages, and while the main Firesheep website lists 10.10 specifically, I had no problems on my 10.04 installation.
Build Firesheep
You’re now ready to compile Firesheep. Run the following command and hopefully you’ll be able to build it without error:
./autogen.sh && make
Install the Plugin

If all is well you should find a new file called ‘firesheep.xpi’ in a subdirectory called build (ie; firesheep/build/). Simply drag-and-drop that file into your Addons dialog box, restart Firefox and you should be set.

gracies a TUXapuntes: solucionen algun petit problema:

Si al ejecutar Firesheep aparece el siguiente error: ReferenceError: Cc is not defined
Editamos el fichero linux_plattform.cpp dentro de firesheep/backend/src y modificamos la linea 48 del fichero por la siguiente:

return string("ERROR");
Despues volvemos a compilar:
Como anteriormente  :
./autogen.sh && make
También hay que dar permisos al plugin, esto se hace abriendo consola y entrando en el directorio donde se encuentra el plugin, en mi caso :
** Ojo porque puede cambiar lo que esta en negrita.
sudo ./firesheep-backend --fix-permissions
Salu2, si era tu problema, deja un agradecimiento almenos, que me costo una mañana de pruebas, ;)

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